Exhibition (展覽信息) :
Date: Sep. 9th - Nov. 8th, 2012 / 9月20日至11月8日
Lecture: Wednesday, 19.9. 2012, 20:00-21:00
Opening Ceremony: Thursday, 20.9. 2012, 20:00-21:30
Address: NLB Gallery Avla, Trg republike 2, Ljubljana
地點:盧布爾雅那 NLB Gallery Avla畫廊


Design is the extension of aesthetic pleasure to the recipient of a piece of information after it is clearly conveyed. Such ‘pleasure’ will naturally lift the audience’s aesthetic standards after quantitative accretion to a certain point. The problem is what kind of aesthetic could bring ‘pleasure’ to the audience? There should be many kinds. Some demonstrate an aesthetic intensity in the principle ‘less is more’. Some create beauty through very convoluted processes. Some establish order in chaos and dins and others can strike astonishment into peace and harmony….Yet the embodiment of an aesthetic should be a concern of good design, regardless of the designer’s own inclinations and predilections. All the paths should lead to one destination – the height of achievement is determined by the designer’s own schooling. A good design is the perfect combination of the creative idea and the aesthetic standard.

設計是在清晰傳達一個信息後,還能同時帶給信息接受者審美的愉悅延續。這個“愉悅”在量的積累達到時,自然會提升觀眾的審美。問題是,何種審美能帶給觀眾“愉悅”,應該是多姿多彩的。有人在“less is more”中體現自己的審美力度,有人在繁瑣複雜中創造美,有人在嘈雜紛爭中建立秩序,有人在寧靜平和中帶來驚悸…但是對審美的體現,是好設計必須關注的,無論設計師的傾向如何、喜好風格如何,殊途同歸--高度應該由自己修養決定。好設計是創意+審美境界的完美結合。